Thursday 23 June 2016

My Special place        
The horse farm was normal enough it had
A creek , dressage ring, jumping ring and horses
My sister, friends and I did what kids do. Gallop up hills, jumped, took our horses through the creek, went trekking, bom in the creek and did cross country doing nothing important.
Hocking River in Athens       Horse Jumping      Galloping, Islaender, Horse      


  1. Hello Caitlin
    I loved your story.
    I liked how you used capital letters and full stops.
    Maybe next time add a full stop at the end of your story.

  2. Hello Caitlin
    I love your poem
    I liked how you talked about me! Totaly
    Next time fix your spelling for an example ushle the correct way is usually

    Check out my blog

  3. Hey Caitlin

    Great piece of writing
    I have a pony too! His name is Cloudy.
    Next time you could check your spelling.
    What is your pony called?

    From Ashleigh

  4. Hello Caitlin
    I loved your story.
    I liked how you used capital letters and full stops.
    Next time fix your spelling for an example ushle the correct way is usually.


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