Tuesday 21 June 2016

Steve the bread guy recipe

This nutritious bread it a great sores of fiber and energy it good for school lunches work breakfast and lunch and it is way better then the store and half the price and docent take long to make so you can make it and have enough time to get ready for work and tease really good with a soup or a green curry.

2 teaspoon of yeast
2 cups of warm water
2 teaspoons of regular salt
5 cups of flour

Step 1 Get bowl a and put in two teaspoons of yeast in the bowl
Add to cups of warm water and stir then leave for 1 hour  minutes
Step 2 then add two teaspoons of salt then 5 cups of flour on the fourth mix it with your hands till silky

Step 3 fold the dough into a ball get flour  off the sides of the bowl then put a dash of oil in the bowl

Step 4 put dough in the bowl flip over so there is oil on
both sides then put a wet towel on the top leave aside for an hour

Step 5 take off the towel and punch the dough  then pick up and mess with it for 2 minutes get pan and put a dash of oil then spread out in pan  leave triangles in the sides leave for 1 hour to crust

Step 6 Then put the oven on 400 degrees put in oven for 30 minutes then take it out and tap on the top if it doesn't sound hole  it didn't work then make sure it is cool before you take it out of the pan then get butter or  spread and sit outside relax and eat   




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